Tableau OPEN error "400117 - There was a problem querying the projects of site"
Bryan Baca
started a topic
7 months ago
The following error occurs when InfoBurst makes a request to Tableau to Open a Tableau Workbook:
(400117) There was a problem querying the projects of site '3e030fb5-cf3d-4e24-b3d2-72406aa55117'.. (0x5CE10192 : com.tableausoftware.domain.exceptions.SearchServiceClientException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.tableau.contentexploration.client.exception.ContentExplorationHttpException: Content exploration service request failed URI: (errorCode=121))
The error occurs within Tableau and the cause is not yet known.
Bryan Baca
The following error occurs when InfoBurst makes a request to Tableau to Open a Tableau Workbook:
(400117) There was a problem querying the projects of site '3e030fb5-cf3d-4e24-b3d2-72406aa55117'.. (0x5CE10192 : com.tableausoftware.domain.exceptions.SearchServiceClientException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.tableau.contentexploration.client.exception.ContentExplorationHttpException: Content exploration service request failed URI: (errorCode=121))
The error occurs within Tableau and the cause is not yet known.