SQL Server connection error "Unable to connect to database (Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 14.)"
Bryan Baca
started a topic
over 2 years ago
The following error occurs when attempting to connect to SQL Server:
Unable to connect to database (Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 14.)
InfoBurst uses the Microsoft .NET SQL Server driver and the driver can return this error when the database password contains special characters (specifically the # symbol). Try removing special characters and re-test.
1 Comment
Bryan Baca
about 1 year ago
This issue is resolved in InfoBurst 2024.1. Special characters now supported in SQL Server password
Bryan Baca
The following error occurs when attempting to connect to SQL Server:
Unable to connect to database (Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 14.)
InfoBurst uses the Microsoft .NET SQL Server driver and the driver can return this error when the database password contains special characters (specifically the # symbol). Try removing special characters and re-test.